Here’s a guide to understanding the various data points available within our customized sales reports. The image below shows all the columns in the sales reports and a description of each is listed further below.
Column A) ISBN (International Standard Book Number) - A unique 13-digit number provided by your country’s ISBN agency and assigned by the publisher to identify a particular format, edition, and publisher of a book. ISBNs are used worldwide as a unique identifier for each book title/format combination. They are used to simplify the distribution and purchase of books throughout the global supply chain. If the number starts with "237" this is an SKU and the title cannot be distributed.
Column B) Title - Name of your book
Column C) Author - authors, editors, illustrators, etc, who may be identified with a book.
Column D) Format - Binding type for the book:
- PF = Perfect Bound Paperback
- TC = Trade Cloth (all Hardcover bindings)
Column E) BISAC Code - The first subject category you selected for your book.
- Example: TRU002010
Column F) Bisac Description - The first subject category you selected for your book.
- Example: TRUE CRIME / Murder / Serial Killers
Column G) Units Sold - Number of copies or units sold during a specific time period.
Column H) Country - Location of the sale
Columns I-N) List Price - The retail price of the book listed in the following markets:
I - US
J - UK
K - Canada
L - Europe
M - Australia
N - United Arab Emirates
Columns O-T) Wholesale Discount - This is the discount you offer which is deducted from the retail price of your book. Our distribution partners and wholesalers receive this discount for selling and distributing your book. Depending on the discount you offer, they may pass on a portion to booksellers who purchase the book for resale. Markets listed are:
O - US
P - UK
Q - Canada
R - Europe
S - Australia
T - United Arab Emirates
Columns U-Z) Returns - This column displays the return designation for the title.
U - US
V - UK
W - Canada
X - Europe
Y - Australia
Z - United Arab Emirates
Columns AA-AJ) Global Connect Price - The Global Connect retail price listed for your titles is the same as the list price you set for the US market.
IN = India
RU = Russia
SP = Spain
SK = South Korea
DE = Germany
BR = Brazil
JP = Japan
IT = Italy
CH = China
PL = Poland
Columns AK-AT) Global Connect Wholesale Discount - The GCP wholesale discount listed is the same as the discount you offer in the US market.
IN = India
RU = Russia
SP = Spain
SK = South Korea
DE = Germany
BR = Brazil
JP = Japan
IT = Italy
CH = China
PL = Poland
Columns AU-AY) Agency Price - The price at which Apple sells the title through iTunes. All prices must be in dollar increments that end in .99.
Columns AZ-BD) Library Price - Publishers selling their ebooks/digital titles in libraries & retail distribution channels now can offer different digital list prices to libraries and retailers.
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