Customize or build your own report! Some customized reports have been populated with the items to be selected. Customized reporting allows you to select the following:
- Columns you want to display in your report
- Select a specific date range
- Location(s)
- Currencies (US, AU, GBP, Euros)
- ISBN, Title, or Author
- Book Format (Print or Digital)
- Report Format
- Output Format
You can select default columns or custom columns.
If you select custom columns you can select items to be removed from the Included Columns section
Click the arrow pointing to the right to add that item as a column for your report.
Use the arrows to move selections from one side to the other.
You can hold the Ctrl key down and select several items and then use the arrow keys
to move to either side.
When building a report, you can use the up and down arrow keys to rearrange the order of
the appearance of the data points in your report.
Select the column header from the list, so it is highlighted, and then click the arrow key to move it.
In this example, we moved the Units Sold to the top of the list, so it is the first column listed.
Select a specific date range or choose one to the right.
"Set to last period" will show results for the previous month.
Select a location or continent for the report, or select all locations.
While the selections below will narrow your report by continent,
the data you receive will be presented by country.
Select all currencies or choose one or more currencies for the report.
You can view specific ISBNs, Titles beginning with words you enter or
author (last name only or last name first)
Select all Titles or view only Print or Digital (ebook) Titles
Select the Format(s) you would like to view.
If viewing the titles of a specific Invoice, you will enter the Invoice Number here.
Select the format you would like to use to view the reporting.
You have the option to download the report to your computer, view it as a screen display,
or email it as an attachment.
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