Agency Price: The price at which Apple sells the title through iTunes. All prices must be in dollar increments that end in .99, except if you set the price for $0 (i.e., free).
BarCode: A machine-readable image on the back of books to indicate ISBN and possibly the price. Barcodes are required by many retailers for print products that they carry. This can be in the form of an EAN (European Article Number) barcode, used for books, or a UPC (Universal Product Code) barcode, used more commonly in the US for non-book products.
BISAC- Book Industry Standards and Communications: BISAC codes are used to categorize books by their subject (also known as subject codes). Example: POE022000 POETRY / Medieval
Compensation: We use the term “compensation” or "publisher compensation" when referring to payments made to the publisher for distribution sales. Publishers pay their authors “royalties” and IngramSpark is not a publisher.
Content: The chapters or other formal divisions of a book or e-book.
Contributors: Up to three contributors (e.g. authors, editors, illustrators, etc) may be identified with a book. These are saved and communicated to retailers via IngramSpark catalog information.
Copyright: A form of intellectual property, giving the creator of an original work exclusive rights to that work’s publication, distribution, and adaptation for a certain time period. After the time period, the work is said to enter the public domain. For information on US copyright laws, visit
Description: This brief description of the book will be communicated to distribution partners who wish to describe and market the book on their website(s) and to their customers. We recommend that you provide a book description for all new books to assist booksellers in presenting your books to their customers. The book description should be at least 40 characters, but should not exceed 4,000 characters including spaces. In addition, no HTML tagging, bullets, or any other special formatting should be embedded.
DI- Distribution: Distribution is supplying goods to retailers, and retailers can sell those goods to their customers.
Digital Rights Management (DRM): A system or technology used to place limitations (in regards to access or copying) onto digital content (books, movies, music, etc). A publisher or author, not the retailer, determines the level of restrictions applied to it. This includes how many times the content can be downloaded for a single purchase, and the number of devices (computers, readers, etc) to which the content can be transferred. DRM is usually administered by those that convert or sell the content.
Direct Store Programs: A web portal from e-retailers, such as Apple and Barnes & Noble, where you can upload your content and then post it for sale only in their online store.
Distributor: A party that handles all fulfillment, credit, and collections on behalf of a publisher. A distributor looks for an exclusive agreement with the publisher within geographic areas and types of markets and, therefore, is likely to stock all titles from a publisher in their warehouse. In the case of the book industry, a distributor would sell to retailers and to wholesalers. Ingram is not a distributor but a wholesaler who supplies books to retailers, libraries, and distributors. Ingram Publisher Services (IPS) is a distributor.
Download: The act of transferring a file from the Internet to your computer or mobile device.
DR- Drop Ship: Drop Ship refers to an order placed on the publisher’s account that is sent to another customer’s address.
E-Retailer (Online Retailer): An online retailer that sells books, both physical and digital, and often other related merchandise to readers. E-retailers source their products from various players in the supply chain including publishers, wholesalers, distributors, and fulfillment companies.
EAN: The European Article Number (EAN) is a barcode standard, a 12- or 13-digit product identification code. Each EAN uniquely identifies the product, manufacturer, and its attributes; typically, the EAN is printed on a product label or packaging as a bar code.
Edition: Version of a work. A new edition means that there has been a series of corrections and/or a new feature added (such as a preface, appendix, or additional content), or that the content has been revised.
Electronic Book/ebook: Digital equivalent of a conventional printed book. E-books are read on personal computers, smartphones, or readers. There are many formats available; some can be used on multiple devices while others are only available on certain devices.
EPUB (.epub): A format from the International Digital Publishing Forum, “.epub” is the file extension of an XML format for digital books and publications. EPUB reflows content, so that text can be optimized for the display screen being used at the time.
EXPERTS: If you need help with creating your book, creating digital files for printing, marketing, book launches, or any other help with publishing, you can find Experts for hire on our website HERE.
File Transfer Protocol (FTP): A way to transfer files to and from websites without using a browser. Usually requires FTP client software.
Fulfillment: The process of filling orders. Fulfillment firms usually provide storage, pick, pack, and ship services for publishers. A company can also offer file creation, storage, and delivery to online retailers or e-books. Could also be called Digital Distributor.
Imprint: An imprint is a publishing house trade name used by a publisher to identify a line of books or a publishing branch within the publishing organization. An imprint is distinguished from a corporate name in that it does not represent an entity with a corporate life of its own. The imprint appears on all books produced in the line. Imprints are optional and not required.
ISBN (International Standard Book Number): A unique 13-digit number provided by your country’s ISBN agency and assigned by the publisher to identify a particular format, edition, and publisher of a book. ISBNs are used worldwide as a unique identifier for each book title/format combination. They are used to simplify the distribution and purchase of books throughout the global supply chain.
.JPG or .JPeg (Joint Photographic Experts Group): An image file format ideal for digital images with lots of colors, such as photographs and the cover image for your book.
Keywords: Single words or short phrases that describe your book and help improve search results.
LS- Lightning Source: Lightning Source offers Print on Demand services through Ingram Content Group, and Lightning Source is a sister company of IngramSpark.
Market (Channel): Bookselling outlets are often grouped by the type of customers they serve. Examples include traditional bookstores (known as trade), big-box stores (e.g. Costco, Target, Wal-Mart), religious bookstores, gift stores, libraries, and educational accounts. E-commerce or sales through an online channel are another market channel.
Metadata: Details about your title that booksellers and buyers need to know. It includes details specific to a particular form of the book (e.g. price, hardcover, paperback, publication date) as well as general information that may apply to all forms of your work (e.g. author, description, table of contents).
Offset Printing: Printing on a traditional printing press where many copies of a book are produced at one time.
ONIX: The international standard for representing and communicating book industry product information via electronic form. This XML standard is commonly used by retailers, distributors, and wholesalers to communicate with each other about books that are available for sale.
On Sale Date: The date to determine when a book may be sold by retail partners. Many of our distribution partners' systems are not set up to recognize the on-sale date. Because of this, make the on-sale date the same as or earlier than the publication date. You will be able to set a publication date and an on-sale date for an ebook and ebook retailers will not sell the ebook until the on-sale date.
Page Count: Page count is the total number of pages in the book, including blank pages. Page count does not include the cover. inside cover, or end sheets. The total number of pages must be evenly divisible by 2.
PDF (.pdf): A file format developed by Adobe to allow the creation and sharing of documents that will look and print the same on any machine.
POD (Print On Demand): Print on Demand is printing one book at a time or printing as many as needed, as it is sold or ordered.
Pre-media: This refers to our pre-media department. Pre-media reviews and process files uploaded by customers. Also known as “file technicians” or “file processing department.”
Print on Demand (POD): Printing, usually from a digital file to a digital printer. In this case, the physical book is only printed when it is ordered. The exact number of copies ordered is what is printed. No extra copies are kept on warehouse shelves.
Publication Date: The date on which a retail consumer or library may take possession of a product.
Publisher: The entity that owns the legal right to make the product available. This can be the same entity as the author, a company formed by the author or a group of authors to publish their own works, a self-publishing service provider that assists the author in bringing the book to market or a traditional publishing company that purchases the right to publish work from an author.
Reprint: A new batch of printed copies without substantial changes.
Retailer: A store that sells books, and often other related merchandise, to readers. Retailers source their products from various players in the supply chain including publishers, wholesalers, and distributors.
Returns: Historically, publishers grant booksellers the right to return unwanted and/or overstocked copies of books. These books are considered “returnable.” As books are returned, booksellers expect to be reimbursed. The cost of returned books is either deducted or netted against the earnings of book sales of the publisher's titles in the month the returns are received. IngramSpark supports standard industry conventions by allowing publishers to designate whether or not their titles can be returned. The publisher can make this designation at the time of the initial title setup. You have the ability to change the return designation for each book from your Dashboard. Click on the title to be updated, which takes you to the title detail page, and scroll down to the print box where the pricing is listed. Click on the edit button beside the Market Pricing section. There you can update the returns option, list price, and wholesale discount. Publishers may check the sales and returns activity of any or all titles at any time by logging into our publisher-secure website and viewing the online reporting under the REPORTS tab.
Revision Incomplete: You may see a Revision Incomplete status on your account if a customer begins a change but does not finish it. Example: A new file was uploaded to your account, but it was never submitted for processing. Please submit the file, and the Revision Incomplete status will be removed from your title.
Non-Returnable: Select this designation if you do not want to allow your titles to be sold on a returnable basis. IngramSpark will not accept returns from booksellers for any title so designated. Many bookstores and retailers will not order a book that isn't returnable. This can also affect the availability message for the book on websites, giving readers a longer turnaround time for fulfillment of the order.
Returnable-Yes-Deliver: Select this designation if you want to allow your titles to be sold on a returnable basis and you would like to receive a physical copy of the book returned. IngramSpark does not guarantee the condition of the book being returned.
Returns to US addresses: If you select this option, you will be charged for the current wholesale cost of each book returned, plus a $3.00 per book shipping and handling charge.
Returns to non-US/international addresses: If you select this option, you will be charged for the current wholesale cost of each book returned, plus a $20.00 per book shipping and handling charge.
Returnable-Yes-Destroy: Select this designation if you want to allow your titles to be sold on a returnable basis and you would not like to receive a physical copy of the book upon its return. If you select this option, you will be charged only for the current wholesale cost of each book returned. No shipping and handling fees will apply. IngramSpark will destroy any returned books that it receives if this option is selected.
Royalties: We use the term “compensation earnings” or "publisher compensation" when referring to payments made to the publisher for distribution sales. Publishers pay their authors “royalties” and IngramSpark is not a publisher.
SR- Short Run: Short run refers to publisher direct orders placed in the publisher’s IngramSpark account.
Status: Indicates the availability of the book. The book industry uses terms, such as forthcoming (going to be published in the future), active (available for purchase now), and publication canceled (item will not be published now or in the future). When telling customers about your title, you may be asked to supply this information.
Subject: The booksellers use Subjects to categorize books. These categories briefly describe the content of a book. Retailers, distributors, and libraries require you to select at least one subject, preferably several.
Suggested Retail Price: Publishers determine the suggested retail list price on all titles in all markets. If pricing is not submitted the title will appear as unavailable for sale in that market.
Territory Right: The rights of a distributor, granted by the producer or supplier, to sell a product in a particular geographical area.
Title: The title information placed in this field will be used for all reporting and re-seller catalog communications (where appropriate).
Title Health: How you can improve the information you provide for your book and help your book be more easily discovered by book buyers. This is under construction and should be available soon!
Trade: Refers to traditional book-selling channels including independent bookstores (e.g. a single store, a local group of stores) and chain bookstores (e.g. Barnes & Noble, Hastings, Books-a-Million).
Trade Discount: An amount or rate by which the catalog, list, or suggested retail price of an item is reduced when sold to a reseller. The trade discount reflects the reseller's profit margin. In order for bookstores and retailers to receive their normal trade discount, you must offer a 53% to 55% wholesale discount.
Trading Terms (aka Publisher Discount): Each publisher will need to set trading terms with each customer. When selling to distributors, wholesalers, or retail bookstores, you are expected to quote a price that allows them to resell the book and make money on that sale. First, you will set the retail price (the price the reader buys at) for each geographic market in which the product is available. This can be expressed in the local currency or in USD. Then you will set the price at which the distributor, wholesaler, or retailer would purchase from you.
Waitspecs (Title Processing Error): This is a shortened term for “Waiting for Customer Specifications.” A title may be placed on waitspecs if there is an issue with a file. If a title is in waitspecs, the customer can upload a corrected file at no cost. Example: Your cover file is on waitspecs because there isn’t enough bleed. A new corrected file should be submitted to ensure proper printing.
WFT – Work Flow Tracking: WFT is an abbreviation used in CMS, listing a title’s internal updates (new file uploads and metadata changes)
Wholesale Discount: This is the discount you offer our wholesalers. The book wholesale discount is the amount of the retail price you give away to a wholesale or retail account such as Ingram Book (a wholesaler/distributor), for distributing your book. This means that the distributor will receive a portion of the wholesale discount you offer.
Wholesaler: A business that obtains books from publishers and their appointed distributors in order to fulfill orders for retailers and libraries. They offer nonexclusive distribution to publishers. Wholesalers may stock certain quantities of titles, but will usually not warehouse your entire inventory. Wholesalers meet customer requests for packaging books across a set of publishers and deliver the goods quickly to meet retailer or library needs.
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